January 26, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with Plan Commission members Jim Gilbert, Carole Hoffmeister, Sally Williams, and Kim Miller present. Lloyd Zastrow was absent.

The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Sally Williams stated that the meeting had been properly posted.

Kim Miller made a motion to approve the minutes from the December 22, 2021 meeting, seconded by Jim Gilbert. All approved. Motion passed.

Item 1: Steven Grant requested review and approval of a preliminary CSM to create (2) 1-acre A-3 lots, a 35.4-acre A-1 zone, and a 61.9-acre A-1 zone from a 98.5-acre A-1 parent parcel on Morgan Road. Parcel #’s 006-0716-1211-000, 006-0716-1214-000, 006-0716-1213-000, 006-0716-1224-001. Jim Gilbert made a motion to recommend approval of the proposal as presented. Second by Kim Miller. All approved. Motion passed.

Item 2: Discussion of town board approval of a 7.4-acre A-2 zone and conditional use permit for boat storage at W1432 County Road B (parcel # 006-0716-1642-000.). The Plan Commission agreed that the decision is not consistent with the Town Plan. Kim Miller stated that neighbors particularly to the north of the proposed facility are not happy about the decision to approve. Kim spoke with the zoning office. Town citizens may e-mail or write a letter to the zoning office or may appear at the county zoning meeting on Feb. 17 to voice their concerns.

Item 3: Discuss Comprehensive Plan update. Larry Oliverson gave an update on the planning process. The steering committee has looked at 3 different consulting firms – Cedar Corp, MSA, and Vanderwalle & Associates. They will make a recommendation to the Town Board at the next meeting as to which firm they feel will work the best with our town.

With no further business, Sally made a motion to adjourn, second by Kim. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Sally Williams, secretary

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Sunday, March 27, 2022 - 9am