This is an archive of minutes, agendas, and many other notes and matrials that represent the many meetings and hours that went into building the Concord Town Plan. As work was done it was put on the town website so that everyone could follow the progess on the plan. Everyone was also welcome to particapte in any or all of the meetings.
The Concord Town Board passed the comprehensive plan at its Monday meeting on July 13. The plan went into effect in November 2009.
Meeting minutes, workshops, questionnaires
Planning guides:
* Cookbook - The purpose of this cookbook is to assist the Town of Concord in the preparation of a comprehensive master plan
* Comprehensive planning and citizen participation by Steve Grabow, Mark Hilliker, Joseph Moskal (.pdf 2.2 mib)
* A Guide to Preparing the Economic Development Element of a Comprehensive Plan
* Census information for Town of Concord
Previous planning efforts (note: this plan was abandoned)
Ruekert/Mielke: Draft Plan for the Hamlet, May 24, 2005
Ruekert/Mielke: Contract for Concord Hamlet Plan, March 13, 2004