State of Wisconsin
Town of Concord                                                                                                                          October 12, 2020


The regular monthly meeting of the Town of Concord was called to order by Bill Ingersoll Chairman with Erick Frommgen, Lloyd Zastrow, Jim Zastrow and Karen Zastrow present.  Bill led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance

Karen Zastrow, Deputy Clerk, certified that the meeting had been properly posted. There was a motion by Bill Ingersoll and seconded by Erick Frommgen to accept the agenda as presented.          Affirmative: BI, LZ, EF                 Opposed: None        Motion Carried

Karen Zastrow read the minutes from the September board meeting. There was a motion by Bill Ingersoll and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to accept the minutes as read.          Affirmative: BI, LZ, EF         Opposed: None         Motion Carried

Jim Zastrow stated from his written report that there is a balance of $369.13 in the General Fund, $161,867.55 in the Money Market Account and $6,452.49 in the Equipment Fund CD.  There was a motion by Bill Ingersoll and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to accept the Treasurer’s report as read.      Affirmative: BI, LZ, EF        Opposed: None     Motion Carried

There was a motion by Erick Frommgen and seconded by Bill Ingersoll to pay the bills as presented.                       Affirmative: BI, LZ, EF        Opposed: None         Motion Carried

Jim Zastrow presented the budget report on the Town’s expenses and revenue.

There was general discussion as it pertains to the state of the budget regarding Highway Payroll Hours. Bill stated that Jason is committed to controlling the number of hours for the balance of the year so the town finishes within budget. The board agreed to push the purchase of the salter until after the budget hearing.

The Town Board had a second reading on the Town of Concord Gun Ordinance 9.02. There was a motion by Lloyd Zastrow and Seconded by Erick Frommgen to adopt the ordinance as follows:

“Hunters must have written permission from a property owner to hunt on property owner’s land. Such written permission, signed by property owner, must be carried on the hunter’s person. The property owner has the right to determine whether the hunter may use a rifle or a shotgun while hunting on their land. The transportation and discharge of a firearm will be governed by the state statues.”                          Affirmative: BI, LZ, EF        Opposed: None         Motion Carried

Chief Bowen provided his written report.

With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Bill Ingersoll seconded by Lloyd Zastrow.                 Affirmative: BI, LZ, EF          Opposed: None        Motion Carried


Respectfully submitted, Brian Neumann, Clerk

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Monday, December 14, 2020 - 4pm