The regular monthly meeting of the Town of Concord was called to order by Chairman Bill Ingersoll with Lloyd Zastrow, Ted Mueller, Jim Zastrow and Karen Zastrow (Deputy Clerk) present.  Bill led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Chairman Bill Ingersoll introduced Neil Palmer from Invenergy for Solar Power.  There was general discussion on their company and the possibility of a solar panels being installed in the surrounding communities.

Karen Zastrow, Deputy Clerk, certified that the meeting had been properly posted. There was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to accept the agenda as presented.    Affirmative: BI, LZ, TM        Opposed: None           Motion Carried

Karen Zastrow read the minutes from the June board meeting. There was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to accept the minutes as read.  Affirmative: BI, LZ, TM     Opposed: None    Motion Carried

Lloyd Zastrow, Plan Committee Chair, gave an update from the plan committee. There was not update this month.

Jim Zastrow stated in his treasures report that there is a balance of $6,297.23 in the General Fund, $139,563.87 in the Money Market Account and $6,437.94 in the Equipment Fund CD.  There was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Bill Ingersoll to accept the Treasurer’s report as read.  Affirmative: BI, LZ, TM     Opposed: None       Motion Carried

There was a motion by Ted Mueller and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to pay the bills as presented.

Affirmative: BI, LZ, TM Opposed: None         Motion Carried

There was a motion by Bill Ingersoll and seconded by Ted Mueller to table the Homeview Road Discussion.                    Affirmative: BI, LZ,TM     Opposed: None       Motion Carried

There was a motion by Lloyd Zastrow and seconded by Bill Ingersoll to accept the Gallitz Road Bid of $11,200 for the 4 x 4 Culvert work on Bakertown Road.               Affirmative: BI, LZ     Opposed: None      Abstain: TM     Motion Carried

There was a motion made by Bill Ingersoll and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to approve the Picnic License for the Oconomowoc Gun Club.  Affirmative: BI, LZ, TM          Opposed: None        Motion Carried

There was a motion made by Bill Ingersoll and seconded by Lloyd Zastrow to approve the Operator License for Kiara Strunk.  Affirmative: BI, LZ, TM          Opposed: None        Motion Carried

 The Concord Center Cruisers presented a check for $200 to be put towards the Annual Town Picnic.

 With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Lloyd Zastrow and seconded by Ted Mueller.             Affirmative: BI, LZ, TM          Opposed: None        Motion Carried


Respectfully submitted, Brian Neumann, Clerk

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Monday, September 10, 2018 - 3pm